Cultural Development-

The vision of the school is to preserve the enriched culture of the country and state in the heart of every child. We fulfill this vision by celebrating all the events of cultural importance in the country which helps our students to remain exuberant with the Love for their national heritage which they will receive as inheritance.

Contribution by our students

Selfless giving is a part of character building. Our students are taught to contribute to the nation for different causes for no motive of their own. They are a part of 'No Tobacco' rallies, 'Swach Bharat Abhiyan' etc. to develop not only self but the country too. They are made to realize their obligation to the ecology.

Assembly and Value Education

We have introduced value education as a full fledged subject with a strict syllabus to inculcate necessary values in our students to make them stand out as an exceptional human beings. Our students also host the assembly everyday where they deliver moral values based speech to help develop them not only ethically but also fight with stage fright which develops confidence while facing the audience

Interschool and Intraschool competitions

Different competitions are held in the school campus hosting different schools and colleges of Palampur.Our students always perform in flying colours in all competitions they take part in,be it academic,cultural or sports. Their zeal to participate in these events is always outstanding.

Seminars on communication, Body Language and Personality development

In today's world, competition is at its peak, hence students need an edge to stand out in the crowd. This edge is provided by Crescent Public School with the medium of seminars conducted weekly to develop the personality of each student. Every student of our school has exceptional communication skills like crowd management skills, oratory and written skills and problem solving skills. These additional qualities help our students to have an upper edge wherever they go in life. They successfully overcome their stage fright and get the confidence to address a crowd with flawless flow in language. With the seminars, they are already being prepared for interviews and group discussions they will face at a later stage of life.

Educational Tour and Camp

Educational tour and camps are important in many ways. Going on a Tour and camp should always have a major educational relevance. The importance of Educational trips include giving students a chance to build closer bonds with their classmates, experience of new environment and enjoy a day away from the school premises and learning at the same time, being independent and self reliant. We believe in providing the same to our students. We believe that getting away from everyday atmosphere of the classroom gives students an opportunity to spend time with each other in a new environment.