Download Students Moblie APP
  • Anroid App: MKK School
    Please download android App from Playstore
    Download APP
    User name for moblie APP will be Student's Admission No and password is also student's Admission No
    for example if students Admission no is 2019001 then user name and password will be as follow
    User Name: 2019001
    Password: 2019001
    Note: you can pay fee online throgh this app
Download Transport Moblie APP
  • GPS Tracking Moblie APP
    Bus No-1-HR 67C-8661
    Bus No-2-HR 67C-2206
    Bus No-3-HR 67D-4913
    Bus No-4-HR 67B-1493
    Bus No-5-HR 67B-3218
    Anroid App: gosafetrackers
    Please download android App from Playstore
    Download APP
    Login: dmkk
    Password: dmkk@123