Principal's Message

As the Principal of the school, I feel honored and privileged to be part of an educational institution where every stakeholder is a learner and every day is an opportunity to learn and discover. We look at ourselves as a community of learners, where everyone learns including our teachers, parents & staff. Each individual is unique in his/her own way; therefore, every stroke of genius, every ‘out of the box’ idea, every little step towards being a better person than yesterday, is encouraged, supported and congratulated. The foundation laid here prepares children to face all future challenges. I am convinced that our students will shape the destiny of the nation in time to come. Our experienced and skilled faculty is well trained and equipped to help the students dare to dream big and toil hard to achieve that dream. Our team is here to give wings to those dreams. One of our constant and continuous endeavor is to create a healthy, conducive atmosphere for the all round development of our pupils. With this end in mind, over fifty co-curricular, extracurricular and sports activities are conducted every year. Eventually it enables them to be a better listener, a better observer and ultimately a better innovator and communicator. We believe in the philosophy of imparting education which enables our students to discover themselves, their environment and the world. We ensure that we empower them to make rational choices and be independent decision makers. Moral values also, intricately woven into the modern curriculum fabric, will help our pupils become sparkling jewels of India some day. We are glad that we got the privilege to be an integral part of your child’s life and also your trust in us to help them pursue their dreams and fulfill your aspirations in the times to come. I sincerely advise parents to spend quality time with their children and try to create a sense of responsibility in each one. Encourage them regularly. Always be a mentor and friend to your child. Do meet the class and subject teachers regularly to discuss your ward’s progress. We welcome your suggestions. I look forward to working with you as we help create a school where parents are welcome at anytime, students are engaged in meaningful learning and the staff members are valued and appreciated for their efforts.
