Director's Message

"Life is a long journey where each one of us moves ahead conquering one milestone after another. The traveler moves on but the imprints remain embedded on the sands of time.”

This is how our school runs ahead carrying its entire great past memories and cherished moments and leaving the imprints of success on the pages of its golden history. The main motto of our school is to achieve success for each of its kids by shedding every drop of its sweat.

With the boom in technology and all round development in all spheres in modern world, the task of educationists has become even more daunting. To achieve this uphill task, we at, MKK School, do not want to leave any stone unturned. We provide all kinds of facilities to our students for myriad of co-curricular activities in our school and interschool events.

The exposure that we provide, the knowledge that we impart and the curriculum that we focus on prepares young minds to develop an in-depth understanding of fundamental skills in the arts and sciences, current world events, intercultural dialogue and fluency in the new technologies, thereby preparing students for the global challenges of the present and the future. We believe in firm discipline which is the key to success in life, yet we prevail. In the air of openness through the love and affection of our teachers that helps the students to develop their hidden qualities and to keep the school flag flying high above. We understand very well that students are the agents of future generation - the thinkers, planners, and leaders of the society and it is the duty of every modern school to feed them with proper mental food that enables them to be worthy world citizens of tomorrow.

As we embark on this amazing and enriching journey, I am confident we will succeed in challenging our students to become engaged citizens of the 21st Century who possess not only the knowledge for critical thinking but also the motivation for keeping their minds actively engaged in learning for the rest of their lives. Let us collaboratively ignite the dreams, hopes and aspirations of the shining stars at Dr. M.K.K Arya Model School.

R.L. Saini
